I have always been the first one to say we rushed into a relationship. When I started dating him all I knew was his name and age. I had just come out of a toxic relationship, I was just seventeen and had had my heart broken more than once. Our first year was tough! But there was just something that kept us together. I still remember the day I saw him cry for the first time, the first time he opened up that day, that moment changed our relationship… for the better.  He is all I ever (without knowing) wanted. Six years ago today, I started dating my prince.


He’s the guy who is not afraid to be silly. Who loves to dance in the middle of the living room, how he loves to make me laugh. Someone who respects me, values me and always believes in my dreams, my goals. Many of our friends are settling down, they have kids... and us we are still working on things. We are not married. We don’t have any kids (yet). We are living day by day. Just having fun and very much in love. We act silly, we cry, laugh and yell at times but since day one we've done it together. We respect our dreams and each others roles in our relationship. Yes we argue every now and then, we get in each others nerves, but I love how since day one we always kiss goodnight. How he always gives me a goodbye kiss before work and greets me with one after a long day. 

I love how he stops on the side of the road just to kiss me, but most of all I love how he can truly be my best friend.

Everything is different since he has been in my life. I never really had a list to go by, you know of what my 'perfect' guy must be like. I just kind of rolled with the punches in past relationships. But you know when you sit there and reflect on past relationships and just imagine what your life could've been like you realize that the man you always wanted is the one you already have. You realize that you fit perfectly like a puzzle piece. Our relationship is not perfect...it’s real!

It’s the little things he does or says that I love. I love it when he tells me he loved what I cooked. I love how he doesn't sweat the small stuff.  I love the man that he is. I love how he's not afraid to have fun. I love the fact that he has goals and dreams. I love how he brings the best out of me and encourages me to become a better person.  I love how my friends tell me how my face lightens up when I see him.

I love how humble, affectionate, friendly this man is. How he cares about others before caring for himself and I hope that God blesses us with many more years together.

I am living my fairytale and he is truly my prince.



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