I Need That. And That. Oh, and Those Too.

Hello pretties,

I think the best thing about Pinterest is the site literally brings our dreams to life.  That's what's so gol-dang addicting about it.  I can't even count the number of times I've forced my fiancĂ©/sister/mom to look at my computer screen so I can show them a pin because, "This is what I was telling you about!"  

Though we realize that we'll probably never have all of the things we repin, it's still fun to look and craft ideas from the things others have shared.  I know I have PLENTY of ideas for some of the fall outfits I am lusting after.  See below :)

Fur, boot leggings, and this adorable Burberry trench cote.  There is something about black that always looks chic.  In my closet, you'll find black, black, and more black.  I think that's why I like fall so much- because I don't have to feel bad about wearing... you got it... black.

And you can't deny that this fur wrap is amazing.  Fur can be tricky, but this is done right.

Next, you'll see my obsession with gold.  And Hermes.
I know it depends on your skintone, but if you can pull off gold, DO IT.  It is so classic and glamorous.

I don't think I have to explain the bag here.  It's pretty and incredibly expensive.  So naturally, I need it.
The ring I believe is from an Etsy shop.  I'll put my Pinterest link at the bottom ( it's also over on the right ---> ) so you can see for yourself.

Lastly, the shoes.  They're Zara, and they're beautiful.  They also work for any time of the year!

It's neutrals season, ya'll!  I can't get enough of them.  Olive, beige, & camel.  All amazing colors and so easy to come up with fabulous combinations and pair them with patterns.

I could do this for days.  But I'll stop there and keep you in the dark about my endless wants and desires.  Or you could just go check out my Pinterest page and follow along:

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I would kind of like that.  And you, for that matter.  P.S. I gave my blog a fresh new makeover!  I hope you love it.  Please take a look around!  Any new readers out there- please take a look at my "New Reader" page located below my profile picture up in the right hand corner over there :)

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note: all photos and original sources were pinned from my Pinterest board and can be found HERE.


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