A few years back I really wanted to start blogging. I had really fallen for the whole "YouTube guru by day, beauty blogger by night" type of life. I had started this blog in 2009 {then "ehleelove"} slowly but surely I began my posts. 

I didn't have many followers but after a simple Katy Perry D.I.Y costume post in 2010 I met Jenna; a girl from Dallas {about two hours from where I live} and after a few exchanged emails we finally met to make her Halloween costume a reality {it actually came out better than we expected} Sadly a few months later I was getting overwhelmed with my life behind the computer. I had recently moved in with my boyfriend of three years and waking up early taking care of our first apartment, I just couldn’t find enough hours in the day to get it all done. 

I decided to focus on my family of two and to prepare make a comeback... I just didn’t think it would take two years!! Geez! I wanted to come back and not only blog about fashion or beauty, I wanted to truly blog about what my life is all about! My life doesn't just revolve around makeup or shopping! I cook every day. I clean. I love to wear heels but that doesn't mean I wear them 24/7. 

I wanted you the follower, the reader, the fan... whatever! to feel like they could relate to me. I want more than anything to stay true to myself, I feel like so many bloggers now days feel that they need to portray someone they might not be (at least not all day... every day!) Now here we are July 2012 so many things have changed, so many things are going on. My cousin is getting married, guess who is playing wedding planner?! I also want to really finish decorating our apartment. You would think two years would be enough! I really think you don’t EVER finish decorating your home. I hope to do these 'Updates' posts at least once a week! Just so I can give you guys a little glimpse of what I do when I'm not blogging!



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